after giving many teasers and hints, Oppo has finally launched its flagship smartphone, Oppo F7in India today. Successor to the Oppo F5, the highlight of this device is its whopping 25MP front-facing camera with Artificial Intelligence features, which the company is claiming to be the first on a camera smartphone. The only real competition for the handset in this aspect comes from Vivo which is offering a slightly low 24MP selfie-camera in its recently launched Vivo V9.
In terms of specifications, the Oppo F7 features a 6.23-inch Super Full-Screen display with full HD+ (2280×1080 pixels) resolution, and 19:9 aspect ratio. Under the hood is a MediaTek Helio P60 octa-core processor. The dual-SIM Oppo F7 runs ColorOS 5.0, based on Android 8.1 Oreo. The F7 comes with 4GB of RAM and 64GB internal storage and the 128GB model features 6GB of RAM.
In terms of optics, the smartphone is said to have a 16-megapixel camera on the back, with f/2.0 aperture, 4K video recording, and dual-tone LED flash and a 25-megapixel camera in front for selfies. The cameras feature Sensor HDR mode to accommodate the light settings for ideal photography, as well as the AR stickers. There is an AI album as well, where the artificial intelligence will recognize the photo library and sort them into collections based on people, places, time and events.